"For none will be saved in that time except the most righteous people.”
Fudayl Ibn Iyaad [Al-Ibānah, li ibn Batta, 2/595]
Fudayl Ibn Iyaad رحمه الله said:
“During the end of time, it’s incumbent on you to cling to the houses, for none will be saved in that time except the most righteous people.”
[Al-Ibānah, li ibn Batta, 2/595]
Abdul-Razzāq Al-Badr حفظه الله explained this as:
“Stay indoors unless there’s an established religious or worldly affair that is needed, for going out.”
[Sharh ar-risaalah al-Mughniyah Fis Sukoot Wa Luzoomil Buyoot]