Share this“If you want your body to be healthy, and your sleep to be less, then have little food.”Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore'Ulamā“If you want your body to be healthy, and your sleep to be less, then have little food.”Sufyan ath-Thawrī [Jami’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Hikam]Abdul MuhaiminJan 23, 2023Share this“If you want your body to be healthy, and your sleep to be less, then have little food.”Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareArticle voiceover1×0:00-0:13Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.Uthman bin Za'idah said: Sufyan ath-Thawrī (رحمها الله) wrote to me saying:“If you want your body to be healthy, and your sleep to be less, then have little food.”[Jami’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Hikam]PreviousNext